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KuL-News September ’24

Almost a dozen KuLists came together on- and offline to plan and discuss. News:

  • New decorative elements like the window film and door sticker are providing additional ambience.
  • KuL received an enormous donation of miniatures!
  • To add to the now bimonthly KuL-Höck we announce the highly official bimonthly KuL-Social! Stay tuned and consult the calendar!
  • Our Arcanor-Community-Campaign will come to an end at the end of 2024 to make room for new projects. You can vote in the Discord on the theme the Arcanor Endgame will have!

More in the minutes (in german)

And as always, the next months there will be:


  • System of the Month September: Kids on Bikes, 5.9. & 12.9.
    You are teenagers in the small, 80’s inspired town Arcadia. Equipped with nothing but your wits, gadgets and bikes of course, you’ll have to be creative to solve a mystery that has been plaguing your neighbourhood. But don’t worry though, you wont have to do it alone.
    All seats are already filled. Sorry 🙂
  • Pathfinder Society, in German, 25.9.
    After the summer break, the Pathfinder Society will meet again in September in the vaults of the Verein. On 25 September 2024 at 17:30 until approx. 23:00 we scouts will go on another adventure. It is the adventure 5-10: The Crocodile’s Smile.
    Registration via Meetup as soon as it’s up.
  • KuL-Social, 2.10.
    A KuL Social will now take place every two months, staggered to the KuL-Höck! What we will do this time is still unclear, bring suggestions and ideas in the Discord.
    Registration via event in the Discord.
  • System of the Month Oktober: 10 Candles, in English, 10th, 15th, 23rd & 29th Oct
    There are no survivors in Ten Candles! In the final game scene of this tragic horror game, all the characters will die. In this sense, Ten Candles is not a game about winning or defeating the monsters. Instead, the characters are pushed to the brink of madness and despair as they search for hope in a hopeless world and try to do something meaningful in the final hours.
    Sign up via form in the Post. 10th und 29th are reserved for KuLists.
  • System of the Month November: Draw Steel! 21. (english) & 27.11. (german)
    Folks, it’s time to DRAW STEEL! Taking the Keywords Tactial, Heroic, Cinematic and Fantasy, MCDM promise to cut down on the slog of traditional RPGs and to bring fast, thrilling combat with tactical depth. And we will check out, if they hold their promise!
    Sign up via Form from the post.
  • Arcanor-Community-Kampagne, dates tbd
    Arcanor is coming to an end! Vote in the Discord until 11.9. for the conclusion of the campaign!

KuL-News June ’24

Some KuLists have made use of our online setup to attend this month’s Höck! News:

  • The new subwoofer provides a booming ambience.
  • Thanks to the new illuminated mushrooms, players can keep an eye on their notes even in the most catacomb-like dim light.
  • KuLists have received an invitation to a summer club barbecue. You haven’t, but think you should have received one? Let us know!
  • The quarterly accounts have been presented – we are on track financially. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

More in the minutes:

And also in July there will be DRUMROLL


  • System of the Month July: EAT THE REICH, 11.7. & 18.7.
    All spots filled, sorry 🙂
  • System of the Month August: Desperation, in English, 9.8. & 23.8.
    Desperation is a card-based, gothic horror storytelling RPG. Based in historical 19th Century settings, participants will be asked to decide who says or does the things that must unfold until either the story concludes…or everyone dies.
    Signup through the form in the post.
  • Arcanor-Community-Kampagne, 7., 13., 26. & 27.7.
    Discover the secrets of the continent of Arcanor together with over two dozen other players in our D&D community campaign. In German.
    Join at any time, just write in the Discord!

KuL-News May ’24

The second Höck in the new rhythm has taken place. Here are the most important facts:

  • Online participation in the Höck is now supported by a fancy conference microphone and a webcam.
  • We will treat us with:
    • a subwoofer for improved ambient sound
    • lights so that we can read notes and character sheets in catacomb-like mood lighting
    • a better laptop to make the most of all our gadgets, such as Syrinscape and the battlemap screen
  • The distribution of tasks and responsibilities within the board was presented.
  • Make a note of July 20th! Then there will be a barbecue event for KuList* members, invitation to follow!

More in the minutes:

And also in June there will be DRUMROLL


  • System of the Month June: Mausritter, 3.6. & 17.6.
    It’s a huge and dangerous world out there. It does not look kindly on a small mouse like you. But if you are very brave and very clever (and just a bit lucky), you might be able to survive. And if you survive long enough, you might even become a hero amongst mice.
    Games already filled.
  • System of the Month July: EAT THE REICH, 11.7. & 18.7.
    Sign up with the form in the Post.
  • Pathfinder Society, 12.6.
    The Pathfinder Society has heard reports of a ship that keeps being spotted and seems to follow the same path before disappearing every week. This ill-fated ship is stuck in time, repeating the same week over and over again. The crew have tried everything to escape this fate and have given up after years of the same week.
    Signup via Meetup
  • Arcanor-Community-Campaign, 23. & 30.6.
    Discover the secrets of the continent of Arcanor together with over two dozen other players in our D&D community campaign. In German.
    Join at any time, just write in the Discord!

KuL-News April ’24

The first Höck in the new rhythm has taken place. Here are the most important things in brief:

  • Mario and Patricia have installed new equipment such as a garbage can, vacuum cleaner, flyer holder, LED light switch and hung up the wooden dragon. The room is getting prettier and prettier!
    Stone-look wall tiles have also been ordered and window film, door stickers and banners are still planned.
  • Equipment is being purchased to facilitate online participation in the Höck and probably even to stream game sessions if groups are interested.
  • In summer there will be a barbecue event for KuList members, stay tuned!

More in the minutes:

And also in May there are again DRUMROLL


  • System of the Month May: Agents of Dune, 16.5. & 23.5.
    Your house is to provide the new government of Arrakis in an alternative “What if?” scenario in which you must ensure the supply of the known universe with the vital SPICE. Can you maintain control of Arrakis while the entire Empire watches your every move? Or will this appointment mean the downfall of your house?
    Registration via info@kul-verein.ch, 0/5 places taken.
  • Pathfinder Society, 8.5.
    The Labyrinth of Open Paths has been largely stabilized, yet agents are still ending up in the wrong place. No one has been hurt yet, but Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist fears that it’s only a matter of time before injuries or worse occur. She tasks the PCs with investigating the cause of these mishaps and, if possible, eliminating them.
    Registration via Meetup.
  • Arcanor-Community-Campaign, 11. & 18.5.
    Discover the secrets of the continent of Arcanor together with over two dozen other players in our D&D community campaign. In German.
    Join at any time, just write in the Discord!

KuL-News March ’24

A new month, a new Höck. Here are the most important facts in brief:

  • The quarterly balance sheet has been drawn up and compared with our budget: It looks good 🙂 Thanks to everyone who uses the room, donates and consumes drinks!
  • Patricia has presented her decoration plans to us and since the quarter was positive, there will soon be new room upgrades. Let us surprise you! (Or if you don’t like surprises, read the minutes)
  • The Höck dates are changing. So that more people can attend the Höck and to separate the meeting day from the social meeting in Erupt, the Höck will take place on the following dates in future:
    • In odd months: First Wednesday of the month
    • In even months: First Thursday of the month
    • Time and place remain the same. In future, online participation will also be possible.

More details in the minutes (in german):


  • System of the Month April: Call of Cthulhu, 18.4. & 24.4.
    Fancy a thrill and cosmic horror? Then dive into the world of Call of Cthulhu with GM Cenk in April, a pen & paper role-playing game full of eerie mysteries and unfathomable horrors.
    Registration via info@kul-verein.ch, 0/5 slots filled.
  • Pathfinder Society, 17.4.
    Some time ago, the Seewer Dragons became allies of the Society of Scouts. Unfortunately, the Society failed to fulfill their obligations due to adverse circumstances – and now Chief Yiddlepode is reminding them to uphold their end of the bargain.
    Registration via Meetup
  • Arcanor-Community-Kampagne, 6., 10. & 27.4.
    Discover the secrets of the continent of Arcanor together with over a dozen other players in our D&D community campaign. In German.
    Join at any time, just write in the Discord!

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Katakomben & Lindwürmer & 2024