The KuL association offers a platform for role-playing game enthusiasts in the greater Bern area. Our centrally located game rooms offer players a home with extensive infrastructure to experience exciting adventures together. Anyone can take part in our public events, meet new people with the same interests and immerse themselves in new game systems and fantasy worlds. More info about the rooms.

Join us and become a KuList today!

Advantages of membership

Cheaper room rent

Price for members CHF 40 per session instead of CHF 60

Access to closed events

As a member you receive an exclusive invitation for all internal events

Priority for public events

If the number of seats is limited, members get priority

Borrow books and games

Borrows game systems, rulebooks and board games for free

Support a great cause

We are passionate about providing something great for everyone. Become a part of the KuL community

Membership costs

For only CHF 60 per calendar year you can become a KuL member. That’s only CHF 5 per month for unlimited fun – a real bargain! Those who become members during the year only pay the corresponding partial amount until the end of the year.

Don’t want to become a member but still want to support us? That is possible here!


  1. Do I have to become a member to participate in public events?
    No. Public events are open and free to all, whether a member or not. We are grateful for a small donation.
  2. How can I pay my membership fee?
    The membership fee of CHF 60 is collected once per calendar year.
  3. I am a member, but the rest of my group is not. Can we still rent the room at a lower rate?
    Yes, as long as at least one person in your group is a KuList* member, you will benefit from the lower rate.
  4. I think the association is great, but I just can’t afford the membership fee at the moment. Can I still join?
    Basically yes, we don’t want to exclude anyone. Just contact us and together we will find a solution!