Last week, 15 KuLists met in the new lounge at Güterstrasse 48 (or online in the Discord) to discuss and vote on the budget, board and planning for 2025. The most important points in brief:
- The majority of the new Board consists of existing Board members: Alain, Cenk, Mario, Patricia and Tim. Elia is a new member – welcome!
Merci to the former ones: Manuel and Sybille! - Membership fees amount to CHF 60 again this year – invoices have already been sent out (haven’t received any? Please get in touch 🙂 )
- Due to the expenses for the remodelling of the new premises, we have to suspend the previous discounts for multiple bookings. In other words, the prices for a room booking are again fixed at Chf 40.- (for KuLists) or Chf 60.- for non-members.
- A new game event vessel will be created, the room hire of which will be sponsored by KuL as long as the events are open to the public. This is intended as a follow-up project to Arcanor and also includes, for example, our Pathfinder Society or System of the Month games. More information will follow.
Thank you so much to everyone who took part and to everyone who supports KuL in other ways! You are awesome!
Details, as always, in the minutes (german):
Some impressions of the new rooms:
