Author: Tim Page 1 of 11

Gathering of the KuLists ’25

Last week, 15 KuLists met in the new lounge at Güterstrasse 48 (or online in the Discord) to discuss and vote on the budget, board and planning for 2025. The most important points in brief:

  • The majority of the new Board consists of existing Board members: Alain, Cenk, Mario, Patricia and Tim. Elia is a new member – welcome!
    Merci to the former ones: Manuel and Sybille!
  • Membership fees amount to CHF 60 again this year – invoices have already been sent out (haven’t received any? Please get in touch 🙂 )
  • Due to the expenses for the remodelling of the new premises, we have to suspend the previous discounts for multiple bookings. In other words, the prices for a room booking are again fixed at Chf 40.- (for KuLists) or Chf 60.- for non-members.
  • A new game event vessel will be created, the room hire of which will be sponsored by KuL as long as the events are open to the public. This is intended as a follow-up project to Arcanor and also includes, for example, our Pathfinder Society or System of the Month games. More information will follow.

Thank you so much to everyone who took part and to everyone who supports KuL in other ways! You are awesome!

Details, as always, in the minutes (german):

Some impressions of the new rooms:


KuL News January ’25

We’ll be moving soon! The last two weeks have been spent building, painting, crafting and decorating the premises at Güterstrasse 48. Slowly but surely the whole thing is taking shape and color and the idea of the environment in which we will soon be able to play our games is becoming more and more vivid. I’m really looking forward to it! Thank you to everyone who has invested dozens of hours over the last few days – you are mega KUL!

And of course we continue with:


  • Goodbye Laupenstrasse, 23.1.
    It will soon be over, the time when our association had its home in Laupenstrasse. And even though we have every reason to look forward to the new location and all the great stories we will experience in Güterstrasse, we want to raise our glasses to Laupenstrasse once again!
  • Pathfinder Society, in German, 12.2. & 19.2.
    The Pathfinders find themselves invited to a charity dinner to benefit the Knights of Lastwall fighting in far-off lands against the lich king, Tar-Baphon. In the middle of dinner, evidence of a strange ritual arises, and the Pathfinders must investigate before dinner becomes a murder mystery!
    Registration via Meetup.
  • System of the Month Februar: Vaesen, in English, 8.2. & 22.2.
    In dark forests, beyond the mountains, by black lakes in hidden groves. At your doorstep. In the shadows, something stirs. Strange beings. Twisted creatures, lurking at the edge of vision. Watching. Waiting. Unseen by most, but not by you. You see them for what they really are. Vaesen.
    Registration via form in the post.

System of the Month February: Vaesen

In dark forests, beyond the mountains, by black lakes in hidden groves. At your doorstep. In the shadows, something stirs. Strange beings. Twisted creatures, lurking at the edge of vision. Watching. Waiting. Unseen by most, but not by you. You see them for what they really are. Vaesen.

Welcome to the Mythic North – northern Europe of the nineteenth century, but not as we know it today. A land where the myths are real. A cold reach covered by vast forests, its few cities lonely beacons of industry and enlightenment – a new civilization dawning. But in the countryside, the old ways still hold sway. There, people know what lurks in the dark. They know to fear it.

Vaesen – A Chilling Horror Role-Playing Game with a Detective Twist in the Mythic North by Nils Hintze. Vaesen offers a dark and eerie setting steeped in Nordic folklore and the ancient myths of Scandinavia. The game mechanics use a customized version of the Year Zero Engine.

Trigger Warning – This role-playing game may include the following themes: murder, cruelty towards animals and humans of all ages, death, loss, mental suffering, occultism, and religious conflicts. As the setting takes place in the 19th century, social norms are also different, which involves topics such as discrimination, social inequality, exclusion, and prejudice. Child death will come up in ‘The Devil on the Moor’.

1st Adventure: The Dance of Dreams
A letter reaches the members of te newly reformed Society at castle Gyllencreutz. It contains a advertisement and a note. It advertises a shadow play, ‘The Dance of Dreams’, performed at the Witch Cat inn. The note asks the Society to meet with a K. Olaus there.

2nd Adventure: The Devil on the Moor
Grimsted Lyng is a largely untouched moor between Denmark and Germany. Only a few farmers inhabit the area. The Danish Society for Moorland Reclamation wants to restore fertility to the barren moors through artificial fertilizer, tree planting, and drainage canals. But strange things start to happen and the Society is asked for help.


  • 8.2. – The Dance of Dreams: full
  • 22.2. – The Devil on the Moor: full

Imageheader from the Free League Website.

KuL-News November ’24

As you may have heard, we have to leave our premises on Laupenstrasse at the end of January. But GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! We’ve already found new ones! And yesterday’s Höck decided that we will sign the rental contract. Here are some facts:

  • 2 playable rooms, probably expandable to 3 rooms
  • On Güterstrasse 48, 3008 Bern – reachable in 10min from Welle by bus
  • Inexpensive
  • Plenty of storage space with a reduit and back room
  • You can check out the layout here (the black wall doesn’t exist yet)

I’m really excited to see how the new rooms will turn out. But one thing is for sure: they will be KUL!

More in the minutes (german):

New wall decoration for the last few months!

Despite of everything, we continue with:


  • Pathfinder Society, in German, 13.11.
    The Pathfinder Society meets again in November and December in KuL’s vaults. Go on a journey of discovery with Alain!
    Registration via Meetup as soon as possible.
  • System of the Month November: Draw Steel!, in englisch, 21.11.
    Time to DRAW STEEL! Under the keywords Tactial, Heroic, Cinematic and Fantasy, MCDM promise to reduce the drudgery of traditional RPGs and offer fast, exciting battles with tactical depth. And we will check if they keep their promise!
  • Unfortunately already full, sorry 🙂
  • System of the Month December: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork, in german 10.12. (already filled) & 19.12. (slots available)
    The rules are very simple and focus heavily on role-playing. There is little fighting (and only with normal skill tests – there is no weapon damage or similar) and the focus is entirely on immersing yourself in the bizarre world of Terry Pratchett – but you don’t have to know it to have fun!
    Registration via form in the post.

A Time of Opportunity

I’m very sad to announce that our landlord PSP cancelled our (CDC & KuL) contract because they need the rooms themselves. This means we will have to move to new premises in the beginning of February and the KuL room can no longer be used for games from the end of January 🙁

We are now working flat out to find new suitable premises! We would be extremely grateful for any tips and information!

May the next room(s) be much KuLer!


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Katakomben & Lindwürmer & 2025