Construction report I from 27.12.2024

Work on our new premises at Güterstrasse 48 has officially begun! Today Matze was there. @Chrigi @Senji @Bibl/Tim @Luthiena | Patricia and me.

As we had already done our shopping last week, we were able to get started straight away today. Everything has gone according to plan in the fantasy room so far. We had already torn down the existing counter when we handed over the keys, so we were able to start painting after removing the skirting boards and masking. Everything is beige at the top and brown at the bottom – the panelling is still to follow.

Unfortunately, we encountered a problem when building the drywall. With the drill. And the problem was the existing heating pipe!

Unfortunately, this meant that we couldn’t finish the work yet and had to call in the emergency plumber, which will unfortunately upset our budget a little. Nevertheless, we’ve come quite a long way and can finish the wall tomorrow. The removed radiator will then be replaced at some point. Have we ever mentioned that you can also donate to KuL?

Construction report II from 28.12.2024

Another day of rebuilding. This time Matze, @Cenk @Luthiena | Patricia and I were there.

The wall is finished! It is characterised by extreme… walliness. Except of course in the door area. Now it still needs to be plastered and painted, but we’ll do that tomorrow.

A second coat of paint has been applied in the fantasy room and the shutters are also finished. Everything that is still green will be covered with stone walls. Patricia will be building these over the next month and will probably be driven mad in the process.

A problem has arisen with the door to the fantasy room because our previous tenants installed the frame so amateurishly. I still need to see how I can get this door right – it’s all crooked, arched and so on. I’ve expressed my feelings in a photo.

And last but not least, we primed the floor in the lounge so that we can lay the real floor tomorrow. That was session 0, so to speak.

Construction report III from 29.12.2024

All good things come in threes and so we made good progress again today! We were joined by @Jojo @akieran @Bibl/Tim @Luthiena | Patricia my father Walter and myself.

We painted the frames in the fantasy room for a second time and removed some of the covers. Patricia could now also start on the stone walls!

The Sci-Fi room has now also received its first coat of paint – artist Tim proudly standing in front of his work. Speaking of artistic: I’ll leave you with this fantastic photo of Kieran plastering the wall: ‘The duality of mortar’.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Jojo and Walter, the floor in the lounge was completed today! I quote: ‘Is it working?’ ‘Uuuuuaaahhhhooo….’ But it looks fantastic.

Construction report IV from 30.12.2024

At the end of the year, @Senji @Sybille @Bibl/Tim @Luthiena | Patricia and I were on site.

The sci-fi room has now been painted and the door fitted with a handle. Everything is now ready for Patricia to start decorating in January! If you would like to help out from time to time, please contact her directly or get in touch on Discord.

The lounge now has skirting boards and Tim has won the agonising battle against the monthly adhesive – the drywall on this side has also been plastered and is waiting to be painted. Speaking of agonising: Patricia is now busy assembling the stone wall and the wood panelling – her nerves are burning at least as much as the cutting wire!

Now we’re taking a New Year break. We’ll resume on 4 January 2025 before there’s ‘only’ decoration left and I only write construction reports from time to time. Happy New Year to you all!

Construction report V from 04.01.2025

In the new year, @Bibl/Tim @Luthiena | Patricia @Michi @Cenk @Clemens my father and I met to finalise the last work in the ‘conversion’ area. Of course, we are now continuing with decoration, technology etc. The wall in the lounge is now painted white and has also received its skirting board. Here is a list of the work that was completed today:

  • Repair skirting boards
  • Fit skirting boards to wall and hallway
  • Sanding/sawing and painting the shelf for the alcove
  • Attach wall bumpers to the doors
  • Install lamp + light switch in the entrance area
  • Install speaker brackets in the sci-fi room
  • Continue work on the stone wall in the tavern
  • Install latch on the toilet
  • Lots of tidying and cleaning
  • The door to the tavern now also works – more or less. To close it properly, you simply have to pass a DC 10 Athletics test

Construction report VI from 10.01.2025

A lot of progress was made again last week. Most of the work was done by @Bibl/Tim @Luthiena | Patricia and myself.

Patricia in particular has worked a lot on the decoration in the fantasy room! The stone walls still need to be plastered and painted so that you don’t just have to imagine they are stones. We also continued to experiment with the wood panelling, but I’m not on the board for my intelligence so I forgot to take a photo =)

Work in the sci-fi room was mainly drawing things out and measuring. But today we tried to paste on the starry sky … that didn’t work. Next we prepared the ceiling with double-sided tape … that didn’t work.

So unfortunately we will have to build a frame. Of course, that will take a bit of time again, but it will work out. So if anyone has time next week – as always, we’d appreciate any help!

But we now have a skirting board made of warning tape so that nobody runs into the wall!

And of course lots of little things have happened. Our kitchen furniture has arrived (thanks Anna for picking it up!), we now have 10 wooden chairs that still need some love and affection, the light in the hallway now works as intended and we have a key safe that doesn’t require you to climb down a deep slope first. Absolutely unimaginable, but okay.