The first Höck in the new rhythm has taken place. Here are the most important things in brief:

  • Mario and Patricia have installed new equipment such as a garbage can, vacuum cleaner, flyer holder, LED light switch and hung up the wooden dragon. The room is getting prettier and prettier!
    Stone-look wall tiles have also been ordered and window film, door stickers and banners are still planned.
  • Equipment is being purchased to facilitate online participation in the Höck and probably even to stream game sessions if groups are interested.
  • In summer there will be a barbecue event for KuList members, stay tuned!

More in the minutes:

And also in May there are again DRUMROLL


  • System of the Month May: Agents of Dune, 16.5. & 23.5.
    Your house is to provide the new government of Arrakis in an alternative “What if?” scenario in which you must ensure the supply of the known universe with the vital SPICE. Can you maintain control of Arrakis while the entire Empire watches your every move? Or will this appointment mean the downfall of your house?
    Registration via, 0/5 places taken.
  • Pathfinder Society, 8.5.
    The Labyrinth of Open Paths has been largely stabilized, yet agents are still ending up in the wrong place. No one has been hurt yet, but Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist fears that it’s only a matter of time before injuries or worse occur. She tasks the PCs with investigating the cause of these mishaps and, if possible, eliminating them.
    Registration via Meetup.
  • Arcanor-Community-Campaign, 11. & 18.5.
    Discover the secrets of the continent of Arcanor together with over two dozen other players in our D&D community campaign. In German.
    Join at any time, just write in the Discord!