We are moving! Yesterday’s general meeting has confirmed this unanimously! As of November 13, our game room will be located at Laupenstrasse 18. Together with the Chaos Dice Club we will continue to provide P&P enthusiasts with the opportunity to enjoy their roleplaying games in an immersive atmosphere. Thanks to a lower rent, we have more budget and there now are hardly any limits to our decoration, sound and lighting concepts. I am excited!

Other News:

  • There were some changes in the statutes, you can find the current statutes (german) here.
  • Now KuLists can rent the room for 40 CHF instead of 50 CHF!
  • If you want to join one of our Taskforces and help decorate or design the lighting and sound write in the KuLprovment-channel!

Thanks to all present (and also to the rest of the KuLists) for your support!

Patricia’s current roomplaning.

What’s still ongoing, of course, are…


  • Dune the Boardgame, 30.10., english/deutsch
    Intrigue as the leader of one of six factions for control of the planet Dune – and thus control of the most valuable resource in the universe: Spice.
    5/6 filled, registration via mail
  • Master’s Talk, 7.11., english
    A vessel for all GM’s, Referees, Judges and what they are all called. Daniele will present his thoughts on the preparation of a one-shot. Are you interested in the delicate art of game mastering? Then come to the KuL room on 7th of november at 18:00!
    No registration necessary.
  • Pathfinder Society, 8.11., german
    The PCs must take a legendary star rifle to a mysterious, reclusive gunsmith, convince him to repair it, and then return it to its original home: the prairie town of Niishan.
    3/5 filled, sign up via Meetup
  • SoM Dungeon Crawl Classics, 9.11. & 16.11., german
    You’ll solve puzzles that would drive a Beholder’s mind insane, and fight monsters so strange you’ll forget your sword techniques to wonder at their absurd existence. Sign up.
    2/5 filled, registration until 30.10. via mail, after that it will be posted on SwissRPG and probably filled quickly.
  • Arcanor Community Campaign, 11/12, 11/21, 11/27.
    Discover the secrets of the continent of Arcanor together with a dozen other players* in our D&D community campaign.
    You can join at any time, just post on our Discord!

The next Höck will take place on
Thursday, 30. November at 6 pm
Be there! It’s gonna be KuL

PS: Not a KuList yet? Join us!