Unfortunately, there were only three of us at the meeting, but nevertheless, we collected some ideas for advertising – and, of course, there were the usual updates on what’s currently happening. You can find all the information in the protocol. And for those who would like to join the discussion, you are welcome to attend the next KuL-Höck or contribute in advance on Discord!

What’s still ongoing, of course, are…


Anmeldungen via info@kul-verein.ch

  • The Fall of Silverpine Watch, moved to the 4.9.
    This is the second run of a favorite of mine but this time we play Worlds Without Number!
    fully booked, sorry 😉
  • SoM Cities Without Number, 9.9.
    Explore with GM Tim the dystopian Cyberpunk-World of Cities Without Number an play with premade Charakters, called Operators, his homebrewed mission “On Cloud 9”. The rules are close to the other X Without Number-Games and also to D&D and will be explained at the game.
    Seats available!
  • Pathfinder Society, 20.9.
    With GM Alain, you can immerse yourself in the world of Pathfinder – whether it’s to regularly participate in the official manufacturer’s campaign or just to take a peek. This time, you’ll be attempting to protect an influential sorceress in a precarious situation from dangerous forces.
    Seats available. Signups via über Meetup.
  • Arcanor-community-campaign, ongoing
    Discover the secrets of the continent Arcanor together with over a dozen other players.
    You can join anytime, just write us on Discord!

The next KuL-Höck:
Thursday, 28th of September, 6pm
Everybody is welcome to help decide KuL’s future!

PS: Not a KuList yet? Join us!